JobX Digital Job Profiles – The Value for Employers

Job profiles, also known as job descriptions or physical demands analyses, are critically important for employers. Unfortunately, many companies do not have accurate and comprehensive job profiles. They may:

All of this puts the employer at a major disadvantage and even at risk.

The Benefits

Firstly, let’s discuss the benefits. JobX Digital Job Profile (DJP) allows the employer to develop and update an easily retrievable and shareable job profile. MyAbilities has created a database of over 50,000 job titles. Employers use existing profiles as is, or customize them to reflect the particular features of an employer’s jobs.

The detailed demands are used for highly targeted recruitment purposes. Employers clearly define search criteria for candidates. As a result, candidates can understand if they can meet the demands of a job. Post offer of employment testing is easier using the DJP as the benchmark.

The DJP highlights body regions that are at risk of injury for each job. Consequently, this allows employers to implement preventive ergonomic modifications that will reduce injuries and claims. Additionally, you can use the DJP to train new employees to properly and safely perform the job. Also, it enables you to perform periodic monitoring to ensure compliance with safe practices.

User Friendly Format

The DJP’s graphic display is easy to read. In addition, videos and pictures of each job’s functions and tasks can be uploaded. This creates a visual record that all users of the platform can access. A video (taken by smartphone or tablet at the worksite) provides a better understanding of what a job entails. Moreover, we supplement this using our AI-enabled kinematic analysis. As a result, we create an enhanced DJP that is superior to paper-based profiles.

All of the above features support an employer’s human resource management practices in the absence of any occupational injury or illness. If and when injury occurs, the employer can allow its TPA or insurance carrier to immediately access the worker’s DJP from its customized job bank. This allows the organization to quickly initiate appropriate claim and medical interventions that promote timely Return to Work.

Database sourced from O*NET

The US Department of Labor’s online database, O*NET, is the source used to create the JobX Digital Job Profile Database. Starting with the results of intensive surveys and studies contained in O*NET, JobX Digital Job Profiles turns them into visual and useful tools for understanding the demands of work. Customization of the existing profiles, or confirmation by the employer that they are valid as is, provides an objective and defensible representation of job demands.

Demands Analysis for The Whole Person

For the first time, MyAbilities identifies the demands on the whole person. Traditional methods have focused on physical demands. But the nature of work has changed and continues to change, as do the nature of work-related injuries.

Cognitive and maybe more importantly Psychosocial demands become more of a factor. Therefore, understanding what they are is the first step in being able to develop strategies to address them.

JobX Digital Job Profiles include an assessment of the Cognitive and Psychosocial demands. MyAbilities applies a Demand score, identifying those jobs that have greater needs.

In fact, the Psychosocial Demand Score has a strong correlation to stress leave incidence by job title. The higher demand, the higher the percentage of workers go on stress leave. Developing strategies to reduce that demand will have an impact on employee well-being as well as reducing costs.

Reduce Risk

Furthermore, employers need to be aware of the risks of litigation and penalties. Compliance with OSHA, ADA and EEOC is mandatory. A complete job bank with state-of-the-art DJPs ensures compliance with OSHA requirements. DJP’s clearly document the demands of work. DJP’s defend against allegations that workers’ are required to perform duties outside their responsibilities.

Also, DJP’s improve ADA compliance by documenting that an injured worker is able to return to work when objectively capable of performing the essential demands of the job, with or without reasonable accommodations. Alternatively, DJPs help to identify other jobs that the worker may be able to perform after rehabilitation has ended.

In summary, MyAbilities is able to work with employers to quickly and cost-effectively facilitate the development of a proprietary digital job bank that achieves unique and permanent benefits for businesses of all sizes and types of industry.

You can look at the existing database and share Digital Job Profiles for free at or learn more here. To learn more about the uses of JobX Digital Job Profiles, visit